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Beat the heat – die Plätze in der Wiener Innenstadt

    Schattig und kühl an heissen Tagen, mit ein paar Bäumen und Bänken. Hätte man gern, gibt es aber kaum.
    Der Schwarzenbergplatz. Eine Betonwüste, das Siegerprojekt bei einem Wettbewerb anlässlich seiner Renovierung vor vielen Jahren.
    Der Schwedenplatz. Das IST ein Platz, auch wenn er aussieht wie eine 4 spurige Autobahn.
    Der Stephansplatz, der Graben und der Kohlmarkt. Schatten gibt es nur unter den Sonnenschirmen der Cafe Häuser.
    Der Heldenplatz – ein Parkplatz. Mit 2 hässlichen Containern, die aber schon auch keinen Unterschied mehr machen.
    Der Hohe Markt mit der Ankeruhr – ein Parkplatz.
    Der Neue Markt. Eine Baustelle zur Zeit. Mal sehen.

    ABER: Schliesslich gibt es ja die wirklich schönen Gärten. Sollte eigentlich genügen.

    ÜBERALL muss man sich ja wirklich nicht niederlassen.

    The squares of the inner district of Vienna are beautiful. At least in theory. Surrounded by beautifully renovated Baroque houses many of the squares have unfortunately been converted into parking lots. Some people believe that there is no need for people to use these squares for relaxation.

    After all there are beautiful parks, where people can not only take a rest in the shade of big trees, but at the same time enjoy the beautiful flowers which make these gardens so special.
    A believe which has been maintained for many years.

    Do you want to visit the Russian memorial at Schwarzenberg Square? Just don’t go there when it’s really hot. A few trees next to the memorial and a few benches is all that is left since the renovation many years ago. The rest of the square? A huge, paved area. Ideal in summer to really heat up the area.
    This is the design, which won first prize in the competition ahead of the renovation. Well done.

    On the way to St.Stephen’s Square, the “heart” of  the town and a main tourist attraction, you’d better take a rest at Stadtpark, because at St.Stephen’s Square and the adjacent area it’s the same old story. If you want to sit down in the shade and relax, you will need to order something at the outdoor area of the coffee houses. Other than that  – tough luck.

    There and on your way to the Emperor’s palace you will be confronted with another phenomenon. Tourists en masse, “overtourism”, as it is sometimes called.

    On the other side of the palace, at Heldenplatz, everything looks so familiar: cars parked practically everywhere.
    Two ugly buildings, temporarily set up in the middle of the square don’t make much of a difference as the square itself is  already ugly enough even without them.


    The inner district of Vienna in summer, lots of room for improvement indeed.
    Not only for tourists, but as well for people who live there.

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