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HandPan. Musik einmal anders.

    “Hand Pan” – ein Instrument, das man nicht sehr oft sieht. Der “Hand Pan Spieler” erzählt mir, dass ihn manche fragen, ob er Wok Pfannen verkauft. Sitzen und spielen, das mag vielleicht nicht genug sein, um die Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen zu gewinnen, sage ich. Ich nehme meine Kamera und mein Handy zur Hand, um ein paar Aufnahmen zu machen. Und schon bleiben ein paar Leute stehen.

    On my way to Mariahilferstrasse back from the KHM with all its marvelous paintings, I pass the MQ. Next to the wall a young man sits on a stool playing an instrument unknown to me. I ask him what kind of instrument it is. “A hand pan,” he says. It is a young instrument, invented in 2000; That’s what he said and that not many people know it. Some would even ask him whether he sells wok pans. I tell him that he probably has to do more than just sit and play to really catch people’s attention (and get some money as well). I ask him whether I can make a little video of his performance. Of course, he says. The minute I talk to him and take out my cellphone people stop and listen to what he is playing.

    For more information you can contact the “hand pan player” at

    Watch and listen – eine Kostprobe

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